Friday, 14 August 2009


A dream...We all have One..We all need to.;But the hardest part once you have it,is to wake up from, to face the truth.We struggle..We fight..We open our eyes wide to realise that like almost everything a dream fades away..A Dream ends up..It's Only A dream.
It's hard to admit..Hard to live..Hard to face..It's hard to just walk away...To see things the way they are and not the way you want them to be...The way they should be and not the way they should have been...It's hard to go on the other side..When pushed by reality you realise that ...:It 's just A dream.

1 comment:

Jade said...

I really think that sometimes, dreams are all what we still own. So maybe it sometimes hurts to face the truth and to see the things like they really are and not the way you want them to be, but you don't have to forget that without em it would be so easy to give up and to lay down.
Anyway you are a pretty amazin writer and I do like the way I find myself in your words. You know sometimes when nobody understands you & then you get so confused, it's so good to know that what you feel is shared by other people. Besides, I'm sure you are a great person too, the music you listen to, the photographs you take .. it's what makes of you a good writer.
Keep on the good work dude.

Peace :)