Thursday, 2 December 2010

Black Holes And Revelations...Or When I Got Loaded and Couldn't Shut it up!

I don't remember how it happened...Not that I didn't try...I just can't...And yet I did fall ,or was it the world pushing me away? Here, in my unknown celestial position, I Still can't find the answers to all the questions I've been asking myself...but I saw a thing...A very special thing...Something I couldn't guess on my own...
I saw it coming...It was unpredictible...So I had to choose Which one of the three voices inside my head was right...True Story!
"You can't be afraid of something you don't know...Only Cowards are!You've already been dumpt...What worse could happen? Maybe it's not what you think it is..Maybe this is what you need...Maybe there , you can find the answers..And Damn I'm tired Of the questions...So You are going to give it a shot...You are the witness of the collision...You won't get hurt..."
"You are so fucked! There is no way you're going to survive this...Good for me I'm imaginairy...You created me and I won't feel anything...But dude you're getting the shit...You're feeling the pain.,..I don't know what is worse: That black hole getting bigger or me leaving you right now ? 'Cause man I don't want to see what's happening next..."
"You need to stop this...Stop Thinking...And just look...Look around you...You know that thing don't you?Just look...Up and down...You have never left the world...You can't exist somewhere else...That's bullshit...Just Like I only exist in your head...And damn it ain't a blackhole, or whatever planet voice one made you believe it is...It's just the other side of the world...Your world...Everybody's...You'll just have to get used to the idea...That you can't understand everything...That you only get the chance to be on one side...Not Both...Not Any...One!"

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

God, yu tekem laef blong mi(/Take my life and let it be)

Worlds…There are probably as many worlds as there are words... Just a thought...The Second you’re living right now is a world... The only World you live in Actually… The shortest One…It’s Ironic that the present lasts a second…

My name is Mister D, I’m 22, a second, and an unknown other number. I’m not here now , but have been here for a long time…22 years actually... I couldn’t find that thing I ‘ve been chasing for years so I left… I’m living the “unknown number” Somewhere else… I have no idea what will it be like but I’m Okay..I’m willing to live in each world the way I see it… I want more than what a second allows me to do…

In the list of things I couldn’t do in a second there is you… It takes time… And All I have is a second…All we have is a second… The future is a second away from the past… And you’re light years away from my world(s)…Now I’m In your “Second”, A second Later I’ll be in you’re Past…Plus I already Exist in your mind because you probably know me if you’re reading this…That makes already 3 worlds with you…

Call Me Crazy…Call all my words Bullshit…I don’t care…I’ll be just fine in Some random Other World…

My name is Mister D , I’m 693792000 Failed attempts to live, a second, and an unknown other number…

Saturday, 25 September 2010

In "Others" World Or: How I Managed Not To Hate a Rainy Saturday Night...

We are all special and unique..Which makes us all the same..Which also gets me thinking that All the time we spend searching for someone special and unique is a waste... Life ain't about picking people for some reason or another...But somehow, we were basically created to be dependent on the "others"*...To see ourselves in the "others"**...To relate all our feelings to "others' "***...To always have commitments towards "others"****..To always look forward to meet that "other"*****...The Only "other" we'll be ready to uncheck on the long list of the "others"******... Not only are we wasting time, we also might end up hurting some random "other"*******'s feelings...Which finally brings us to wonder why the hell can't we just pick the People we hang out with...

*Basically, it refers to Family( Parents/ Sisters/Brothers...etc)
**The Old lady in the street , The guy on the grocery shop, The girl in the car next to you on the traffic jam, every other people on your school except for your friends...etc
*** Friends, People you get along very well with, Family again, people you like and not specially know...
****Teachers, Bosses...Everyone profesionally related to you...
******People who were originally listed among the "others"***, but whom you ended up hating and regretting every single second you spent with...
*******People you might think are listed among the "others"**, not knowing that for them you're the "other"*****...

The End.

Photo:Khelifi Nader©

Thursday, 26 August 2010

On/Off the Hook...

It all started like a million years ago...When Homo erectus me accidently bumpt into homo erectus you... Great moment by the way... Homo erectus me was just getting out of that cave ..that dark creepey cave.. When out of the blue, he saw homo erectus you...Homo erectus abso-fuckin-lutely awesome you...Homo erectus Jesus!( No He didn't exist At that time..but Hey let's pretend he did..For the sake of the story)..So, Homo erectus me was like:"Hey! Wanna hang out sometimes?"...NO Answer!
But I guess, at that time,homo erectus you wasn't really that into homo erectus me... Plus, it wasn't really the greatest era I assume... Caves , hunting And stone..Life was such a waste..
So, Millions of years later Fate brought homo sapiens me and homo sapiens you together, Again...Different Era...Different conditions...Our ancestors have made it to Asia..But chances are; you didn't really make your mind about it... That's when it hit me:It isn't about time...
So Here we are now...A million years later...The "Douchebags" Era..(Also known as:Ridiculousness Era, Tha Silly Era, Over Consumerism Era...More on that later anyways...)..I,present me, am officially over all the versions of you...Exept for Future you...I heard future me is Awesome!
(Spoilers:Always trust present "you"'s feelings, Always forget about whatever shit did past "you" do And Always leave the door open for future "you" ;)

Tuesday, 17 August 2010


تعرفشي كيفاه...زايد


والله كيما نحكيلك...

هيا موش غلطك كي تجي تشوف راهو...

اما صحة ليك..

و صحة ليه...

و صحة ليهم...

و صحة لل هواء..

و صحة لل ماء...

و صحة للشمس...

و صحة للغبرة...

تي كلها ماشية معاها...

كلها شايخة..

و كلها تحكي...

آه رد بالك...كلها تحكي...

كلها تفهملها...في كل شي من فضلك...

في الي يمشي...

في الي يجي...

في الي قاعد على روحو...لا يخبش و لا يدبش...

و في الظهورات...

و في العروسات...

و لحفار لقبورات...

كلها تحكي...

إلي يستحق...لا يحقلو حق...

و إلي ما يستحق...كل شي يجيه في طبق...

و إلي يقلق.. يتخنق و يتفلق...

و الي في الماء يبقبق...

وإلي دزّوه ياخي غرق...

و إلي فجعوه قام يسدّ في الشق...

و إلي كي الناموس يبخّر بريحة الحبق...

و إلي قال خلّي نهجّ...يلقا كل شي سبق

و إلي بلع السكّينة بدمها...قال خلّي عزاها سكات

وانتي؟ تحكي؟......

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Believer (Or not...)

(Start the player...)

The funny thing about life is that one day (you think) you have everything (you thought) you wanted...

Meanwhile ,you don't know, (or just pretend you don't) ,that you can lose ( or have already lost) everything you really want... When you realise it, it's always too late and you can't find your way out( or a way back in).. And what stops you moving forward could be regrets ( or just good memories of the past haunting the very bad present...)...
It's bad that you miss things... It's bad you don't know what you really want yourself to be and what people should expect from you...It's bad you realise this a little too late everytime...
Maybe that's what makes you special...Maybe you're not made to be like them...Maybe you're here for a better reason which you basically don't know yet...
You don't think so, do you? You don't need to think too much...I know you don't 'cause this leaves you nothing to live on...No other alternative but being alone, desperate ... This leaves no courage to go and get that heart you belong to...To make a fuckin' decision for once in your life...
And I just can't think of a reason why you don't...

Sunday, 18 July 2010

"A small step for me ,a great for humanity" ...Half a Century later...

My body's allergic to space... My mind's allergic to time... My heart is allergic to Love, to friendship and all the bullshit we badly want to believe in just to forget that we are seven billion basterds ,sharing a tiny sphere suspended in the Infinity... I've never come to think about it... All those stars shining above our heads... All the galaxies thousands of light years away from us...All those blackholes which mystery is still unrevealed...But now that I did I just want to let go... Because no matter what I do everything will remain the same... No matter how hard i'll try, it won't have an impact on the universe.. No matter how many things I'll learn, It will be nothing compared to what I won't... I'm not giving up, I'm just being realistic...Or at least trying my best.. 'Cause what happens every day in this tiny sphere drives me crazy...
People dying of hunger while others are spending money on useless crap... People making war out of the blue... People killing each other for money or power ... People selling lies and others buying it...And the greatest ones: those scientists who are looking for another planet to spread this chaos in...
What I want is to shoot what you won't paint what you can't write what you don't understand...And to be where you've never been before... There...Behind the darkness of the universe..Light years away...

(Photo dont je ne connais pas l'auteur..mais que j'aime beaucoup)

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Deaf-inition to Definitions

I've always been told that everything goes the way it should... and so I couldn't help but wonder what did that mean...Now I know..It means that:
•Regrets we have are just thoughts about how we could manage to make everything go the way we think it should've...
•Deception is realising that the way things should go doesnt automatically match with our hopes of making them go the way they sould've...

•Pain is a big deception amphasised by putting too much hope on the way things should've gone and realising it's already been too late for anything to change..
•Confidence is generally something we give to someone when we think that everything is going the way it should , to makes us realise that it ain't... This can actually lead to having regrets, to deception and to causing pain.
•Freedom is breaking the line

•Love is not caring, either about how things have gone or how they should've... But being beyond all the pain and regrets.. Being free to make confidence...being fearless of the deceptions...Love is being unable to think, even for a sec', of all the silly things i've just mentionned...

•Pain in the other words :myself...