Saturday, 25 September 2010

In "Others" World Or: How I Managed Not To Hate a Rainy Saturday Night...

We are all special and unique..Which makes us all the same..Which also gets me thinking that All the time we spend searching for someone special and unique is a waste... Life ain't about picking people for some reason or another...But somehow, we were basically created to be dependent on the "others"*...To see ourselves in the "others"**...To relate all our feelings to "others' "***...To always have commitments towards "others"****..To always look forward to meet that "other"*****...The Only "other" we'll be ready to uncheck on the long list of the "others"******... Not only are we wasting time, we also might end up hurting some random "other"*******'s feelings...Which finally brings us to wonder why the hell can't we just pick the People we hang out with...

*Basically, it refers to Family( Parents/ Sisters/Brothers...etc)
**The Old lady in the street , The guy on the grocery shop, The girl in the car next to you on the traffic jam, every other people on your school except for your friends...etc
*** Friends, People you get along very well with, Family again, people you like and not specially know...
****Teachers, Bosses...Everyone profesionally related to you...
******People who were originally listed among the "others"***, but whom you ended up hating and regretting every single second you spent with...
*******People you might think are listed among the "others"**, not knowing that for them you're the "other"*****...

The End.

Photo:Khelifi Nader©

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