Friday 14 August 2009

Give and Take...

Ever since we were kids, they've been teaching us the "Give and Take" thing. What is life about? Giving and taking...What is love about? Giving and taking...It becomes such an evidence when slowly the child becomes a grown-up...Then you decide you grew up enough to face the truth, to put on practice the things you've been taught.. And you are now about to Give...Everything...The best of you.
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Sometimes , if you're lucky.. the experience goes right .. And you feel like that little kid who passed his first exam. And sometimes it's even better... You're like that guy who won on lottery...You take things you've never given. But as life is not as perfect as we all want it to be... Sometimes you just feel tired of always giving without a return...
Words can make it.."thank you " can make it... "sorry" can make it.." I love you" would make the best of it... But no! You got nothing this times..It's a shame!
"Cive and Take"...That is so not what life is about... neither what love is...You've been fooled... And by the way...Santa Clause doesn't exist!

1 comment:

Jade said...

Dude, I do like what you write.